Welcome to Hellenic Visions
What is Hellenism and Why Is It Important to You
Hellenism is a Universal Ideal seeking to express beauty, harmony and balance in both the inner life of the individual and the communal experience of the society. Its expression in the Greek language, literature, art, philosophy, politics, myth and drama has affected the world for centuries and it is most sorely needed in the world of today.
Hellenic Visions has been created for the purpose of promoting these ideals and their expressions globally through a variety of services, and of providing a forum in which humanity will be honored and celebrated.
A Warm Greeting from Dr. Lena Hatzichronoglou
“We, my brother, do not sing in order to separate ourselves from the world; we, sing in order to unite the world.” ~ Yiannis Ritsos
To find out more about Hellenic Visions Services and Lena, follow the links below that interest you the most…


Teaching Greek
